Teacher Evaluation: Professional Development Plan

Tenured teachers who receive a rating of “Needs Improvement” on a Summative Teacher Evaluation will be evaluated again in the following year, and will complete a Professional Development Plan. This plan will be developed by the evaluator in consultation with the teacher, will be directed to the areas that need improvement, and will identify any supports that the district will provide to address the areas identified as needing improvement. The plan must take into account the teacher’s on-going professional responsibilities including his or her regular teaching assignments. Within 30 school days of a tenured teacher receiving an evaluation rating of “Needs Improvement,” a Professional Development Plan must be developed. Professional Development Plans must last for a minimum of 90 calendar days and a maximum of one year, as determined by the evaluator based upon the tenured teacher’s specific needs.

In the year following the “Needs Improvement” rating, tenured teachers who are subsequently rated at least “Proficient” must be reinstated to the regular Tenured teacher evaluation cycle, meaning they will be evaluated again in two years. Or they can opt to be evaluated in the following year, as long as such a request is made in writing prior to August 1 of that school year. For Tenured teachers who are evaluated less than “Proficient” in the year following the “Needs Improvement” rating, the school district will rate the teacher’s performance as “Unsatisfactory” and start a Remediation Plan.