Why should our community consider vaccination?

With the two-shot Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine fully approved by the FDA for any individual age 16 and older, and continued Emergency Use Authorization for the Pfizer vaccine in individuals age 12-15, CCSD21 continues to strongly encourage community members to get vaccinated against COVID-19.

Vaccines are safe, free, and proven to protect against severe illness. Make your appointment today!

As you consider vaccinating your family, hear from leaders in our community who shared their “why” — why they received the vaccine and why they encourage you to consider vaccination, too.


Dr. Michael Connolly, CCSD21 Superintendent

“Being able to reconnect with my family, being able to reconnect with my friends, and knowing that … I have done my part to make it a more safe learning environment for all is my reason for getting vaccinated.”

Phil Pritzker, President, CCSD21 Board of Education

“As a parent, grandparent, and school board member, one of our most important similar tasks we all share is to teach and lead by example of what good citizenship looks like in our society. … A small individual decision to get vaccinated makes a much larger societal impact.”


Liz Richards, Principal, Holmes Middle School

“I got vaccinated to protect my family and all of the students and staff at Holmes Middle School.”


Mike McGreal, Fire Chief, Village of Wheeling

“Every day for over a year and a half I have seen the devastation COVID causes people … we have taken dozens and dozens of COVID patients and their families to hospitals.”


Fran Evens, Music Teacher, Whitman Elementary School

In song, “Protect yourself; stay well!”


Bryan Bednarek, Systems Technician, Indian Trails Public Library District

“I thought about COVID and its symptoms and just imagined someone I loved getting it. I imagined my grandmother… struggling to breathe and not being allowed to be with her. That’s why I got my vaccine. That’s why I mask up.”


Ollie the Hornet, Holmes Middle School

“Get vaccinated!”


Skylar the Eagle, Twain Elementary School



Alyson Sprehe, Teacher, Holmes Middle School

“It is a big, beautiful world out there and I want to experience all of it!”


Jeff Wardle, Principal, Buffalo Grove High School

“It gives me such confidence to go walk around the community and be in the building here to be fully vaccinated … I hope you get vaccinated as well!”


Dr. Joe Arduino, Principal, Tarkington Elementary School

“[Vaccination] keeps you and everyone else safe!”


Frankie the Falcon, Frost Elementary School

“Get vaccinated! ¡Vacúnase! Dostań szczepionki!”


Crystal Jimenez, Principal, and Maria Alva, Assistant Principal, Field Elementary School

“It’s a step closer to being together. Together we can SOAR!”


Bill Harrison, Member, CCSD21 Board of Education

“So we can beat COVID, beat the variants, and get back to a normal education for our kids.”


Pat Horcher, President, Village of Wheeling

“The danger posed by COVID-19 is real, and more pressing than ever as highly contagious variants emerge.”


Jamie Dunne, Police Chief, Village of Wheeling

“The result of getting sick from COVID-19 can be serious illness, hospitalization, and death. The choice seems easy to make.”


Arlen Gould, Member, CCSD21 Board of Education

“I believe if you save one life, you save humanity. Help me please by saving a life, by getting vaccinated.”


Liz Poppenhouse, Digital & Maker Services Manager, Indian Trails Public Library District

“I have a one-year-old son who’s not able to get vaccinated yet, so a big part of why I got vaccinated is to keep him safe.”


Sammi Roth, Interim Principal, and Lisa Applequist, Assistant Principal, Whitman Elementary School

“We want to keep our school safe for our young students who aren’t able to get vaccinated.”


Tom Hayes, Mayor, Village of Arlington Heights

“I’m very confident in the safety of all of the vaccines and I would encourage you to receive the vaccine as soon as possible – not only for your own benefit, but also for those in your neighborhood.”


Jon Sfondilis, Village Manager, Village of Wheeling

“To make sure that you are safe, I have to make sure that I am safe. Get vaccinated – we are all in this together.”


Ann Gillespie, State Senator, Illinois

“I decided to take the vaccine on the advice of my doctor. I’ve taken their advice on all other aspects of my healthcare, so it just seemed natural to follow their advice now.”


Jackie Share, Instructional Coach, Riley Elementary School

“Because this one small thing can make a big difference … porque esta cosa pequeña puede hacer una gran diferencia!”


Jim Ruffatto, Trustee, Village of Wheeling

“Please get your vaccination. We want our communities in District 21 to be safe and open.”


Beverly Sussman, President, Village of Buffalo Grove

“I got vaccinated to protect myself, my family and everyone I come into contact with as part of my job. I got vaccinated so all the businesses will be able to remain in business.”


Kristen Valentin, Spanish Teacher, Cooper Middle School

“Creo en la ciencia – que es una inmunización segura y efectiva. Quiero protegerme a mí, y a mi familia, y a nuestra comunidad; a mis estudiantes y a sus familias. I believe in the science – that it’s safe and effective. I want to protect me, my family, and our community; my students and their families.”


Jeff Rozalewicz, Youth Services Assistant, Indian Trails Public Library District

“I really missed live music and seeing all kinds of bands and going to festivals with all my friends and family!”


Mary Krueger, Trustee, Village of Wheeling

“I chose to get vaccinated from a position of EMPATHY as well as a from a position grounded in SAFETY. Your life or the life of someone else depends on it.”


Nick Helmer, Mayor, City of Prospect Heights

“Let’s go fishing! Let’s go laughing! Let’s enjoy ourselves – get your vaccine today!”


Matthew Lombardo, Principal, Kilmer Elementary School

“We want to keep our entire community safe. Let’s all do our part and do what we can. Talk to your doctor and please get the vaccine if you are able.”