
Language Arts

Trimester 3 Standards

Reading Literature and Informational Text


Cite evidence from fiction and nonfiction text to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as the inferences drawn in order to analyze how a key individual, event, or idea is introduced, illustrated, and elaborated. (RL & RI 6.1, 6.3 & SL 6.1)

Compare, contrast, and integrate information from several sources on the same concept/topic in order to express an informed opinion. (RL & RI 6.9)

Tri 3 Standards

  • Draw inferences to identify central ideas in nonfiction texts.   
  • Evaluate whether evidence from a text is credible and valid.
  • Determine advantages/disadvantages of using various media formats to inform about a topic.                                                                       
  • Explain, compare & contrast information on a common topic presented in a variety of media formats. 
  • Explain the characteristics of different forms of texts and genres.
  • Draw inferences to identify central ideas/themes.

Speaking and Listening


Use formal academic language to report on a topic and respond to questions posed by listeners, sequencing ideas logically to support main ideas or themes. (SL.6.4, 6.6)

Engage in authentic, collaborative discussions (whole group, small group, one-on-one), through active listening, appropriate speech, clear verbal expression, and consideration of multiple perspectives. (SL 6.1 & RL 6.6 & RI 6.6, 6.8)

Tri 3 Standards

  • Support claims and findings with reasons/evidence from research
  • Clearly explain ideas using evidence from text/research
  • Differentiate between claims that are supported by facts and those supported by opinions
  • Participate in and contribute to decision-making activities
  • Use various formats to gather and organize information in a logical manner.
  • Support claims and findings with reasons/evidence from research
  • Differentiate between claims that are supported by facts and those supported by opinions
  • Clearly explain ideas using evidence from text/research
  • Participate in and contribute to decision-making activities
  • Express potential impact of the author’s message on society
  • Respond to questions presented by listeners using supportive and logical evidence from reading/research



Write focused, research-based explanatory texts about authentic topics integrating appropriate academic language and evidence from multiple resources. (W 6.2 & L 6.3, 6.4, 6.6)

Tri 3 Standards

  • Select a focused and authentic topic to research. 
  • Determine the credibility of sources.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
  • Include explicit text evidence to support research.
  • Analyze and include information from multiple sources & identify vocabulary relevant to research topic.    
  • Include introductory statement that focuses on the topic.                                                                                                 
  • Provide a concluding statement that follows from the information presented.                                                                                                                                                       
  • Use precise/academic language and vocabulary specific to the topic