
Language Arts

Trimester 2 Standards

Reading Literature and Informational Text


Cite evidence from fiction and nonfiction text to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as the inferences drawn in order to analyze how a key individual, event, or idea is introduced, illustrated, and elaborated. (RL & RI 6.1, 6.3 & SL 6.1)

Compare, contrast, and integrate information from several sources on the same concept/topic in order to express an informed opinion. (RL & RI 6.9)

Tri 2 Standards

  • Identify text support needed to answer literal & inferential questions about theme, character, & plot development.
  • Determine which individuals, events, or ideas are essential to the overall meaning of the text. 
  • Explain the characteristics of fictional texts to identify character and/or theme.
  • Develop logical conclusions based on inferences w/text support..
  • Cite, define, locate & summarize text evidence to support analysis of text.
  • Draw inferences to identify central ideas/themes.
  • Express an informed opinion using supportive, relevant and explicit text evidence
  • Analyze, interpret and compare a variety of texts in order to express an informed opinion
  • Use text evidence to explain & support how an individual/event/idea is developed throughout a text.
  • Explain, compare & contrast information on a common topic presented in a variety of media formats.

Speaking and Listening


Engage in authentic, collaborative discussions (whole group, small group, one-on-one), through active listening, appropriate speech, clear verbal expression, and consideration of multiple perspectives. (SL 6.1 & RL 6.6 & RI 6.6, 6.8)

Use formal academic language to report on a topic and respond to questions posed by listeners, sequencing ideas logically to support main ideas or themes. (SL.6.4, 6.6)

Tri 2 Standards

  • Paraphrase, acknowledge, and respond to new ideas and perspectives.
  • Link relative comments to others’ remarks.
  • Pose and respond to questions which contribute to a discussion (active listening skills).
  • Adapt organization of ideas and speech according to purpose and audience.
  • Link relative comments to others’ remarks.
  • Speak using appropriate eye contact, adequate volume, clear pronunciation and appropriate body language.
  • Use academic vocabulary.
  • Support claims and findings with reasons/evidence from the text.
  • Clearly explain ideas using evidence from the text.
  • Express potential impact of author’s message on society.



Write narratives to reflect authentic experiences or events using descriptive details, well-structured event sequences, and maintaining consistent style/voice. (W 6.3 & L 6.3, 6.4, 6.6)

Write concise, research-based arguments supporting claims about an authentic topic using evidence from multiple resources and clearly showing the pros and cons of the debatable issue. (W 6.1 & L 6.3, 6.4, 6.6)

Tri 2 Standards

  • Engage and orient reader by establishing a topic/context and using the narrator’s point of view.  
  • Employ narrative techniques such as dialogue, pacing, sequencing and descriptive details to develop experiences/events and characters.
  • Vary sentence patterns to communicate effectively and for stylistic purposes 
  • Maintain consistency in style & tone in speaking & writing.
  • Edit writing independently, reading aloud or with help to check for errors. 
  • Write a conclusion that follows from the narrated events (w/lesson or message).
  • Identify a theme in a short story.
  • Introduce an introductory statement (thesis) that presents an argument.
  • Introduce & support claims with clear reason, relevant evidence, and supporting details.
  • Use appropriate transition words and phrases to link ideas.
  • Identify and include the claims of both sides of a debatable topic.
  • Provide a concluding statement that supports an argument.