
Language Arts

Trimester 2 Standards

Reading Literature and Informational Text


Cite evidence from fiction and nonfiction texts to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as the inferences drawn in order to comprehend the central concept/theme of the text.

Evaluate the credibility of an argument based on the specific claims in the text and analyze whether the reasoning is evidence-based, relevant, and sufficient (RI 7.8, 7.9)

Tri 2 Standards

  • Determine two or more central ideas/themes of a text and describe how they are developed.
  • Determine the meaning of a word or phrase flexibly choosing from a range of strategies.
  • Use a variety of text evidence to support a shared theme in paired texts.
  • Use a variety of text evidence to support a theme.
  • Locate and analyze claims and support of arguments.
  • Identify claims supported by fact and opinion.
  • Analyze how the author interprets and emphasizes different evidence when writing about the same topic.
  • Compare and contrast how two different authors represent the same topic.

Speaking and Listening


Pose and answer questions that elicit elaboration and respond to others’ questions and comments with relevant observations in order to delineate a speaker’s argument and specific claims, evaluate the relevance and sufficiency of the evidence.

Analyze the purpose of and motivation behind the author’s/speaker’s message from various formats (i.e., books, movies, speeches, articles, etc.) and present an argument in support or opposition of the author’s view.

Tri 2 Standards

  • Analyze how and why the author develops points of view: first person, second person, third person, third person limited, or third person omniscient.
  • Pose relevant questions, respond with evidence, and elaborate on peers’ comments.
  • Clearly explain ideas.
  • Pose relevant questions, respond with evidence, and elaborate on peers’ comments.
  • Acknowledge new ideas and perspectives and modify one’s own views when appropriate.
  • Outline a speaker’s argument and list claims.
  • Support arguments with text evidence.
  • Identify and evaluate the side of an argument a speaker presents.
  • Determine the credibility of the speaker and their purpose.
  • Evaluate an argument using the evidence a speaker provides and determine if evidence is relevant and sufficient to support the claim.
  • Evaluate a speaker’s reasons and use of evidence.
  • Review key ideas presented by others and integrate salient points.



Write narratives to reflect authentic experiences or events using precise words and phrases, relevant descriptive details, and sensory language to capture the impact of the lesson or theme.

Tri 2 Standards

  • Write a narrative to develop real or imagined experiences.
  • Use narrative techniques to provide descriptive details, develop appropriate events, and develop experiences
  • Write a lead that captivates the reader.
  • Revise scenes that show, not tell what is happening.
  • Ground dialogue in scenes.
  • Use precise words/phrases.
  • Use sensory language.
  • Provide a conclusion that reflects on the experience