CCSD21 parent survey on 2020-2021 calendar change

November 13, 2019

Topic: Updates

CCSD21 is currently exploring options to adjust timing for parent-teacher conferences. A change would allow conferences to more closely align with the end of the first trimester and increase consistency in timing of conferences district wide.

Currently, each CCSD21 school offers parent-teacher conferences during two evenings in the fall, typically between late September and November.

An option under consideration for the 2020-2021 school year is to hold parent-teacher conferences district wide on Monday, November 23, and Tuesday, November 24, 2020 – the Monday and Tuesday before Thanksgiving. Conference scheduling would include day and evening options. Students would NOT be in attendance on either date. Wednesday, November 25, 2020 – the day before Thanksgiving – would remain a non-attendance day.

CCSD21 parents are asked to respond to this survey by the end of the day Tuesday, November 19, 2019, to share feedback on the proposed schedule change.