Health Services

CCSD21 health staff work in conjunction with school staff and families to promote optimal health and safety, thereby facilitating the educational process for all students. Our goal is to offer a safe and healthy learning environment for all students.

Student Illness or Injury

When in-person instruction resumes, ill or injured children will be given care until parents can be contacted and, if needed, pick up the student and care for him/her outside of school. Students are never to leave school without being signed out in the school office by a parent, legal guardian or designated adult.

Children should not be in school with:

  • Fevers of 100.4°F or higher
  • Undiagnosed rashes
  • Sore, irritated eyes
  • Vomiting, diarrhea or severe abdominal cramps

Students should be free of fever, vomiting, and/or diarrhea for 24 hours without the use of medication before returning to school.


Specific health exams are required in order for students to enroll in school. Upon your request, many medical professionals will provide you with the completed forms, or you may print the forms linked below and present them to your child’s medical office.

State Health Forms

 State Physical Form

Failure to comply with the required health examination and appropriate immunizations by October 15th of the current school year may result in the student’s exclusion from school until the required health forms are presented to the District.

 State Dental Form

A completed dental exam form must be submitted to the school by May 15th of the current school year for students in kindergarten, 2nd and 6th grade.

 State Vision Form

A completed vision exam form must be submitted to the school by October 15th of the current school year for students in kindergarten.

Exam Requirements


  • Physical Exam*


  • Physical Exam*
  • Immunizations
    – Varicella (2nd)
    – MMR (2nd)
    – DTP/DTaP (4th)
    – Polio (4th)
  • Dental Exam
  • Vision Exam

Second Grade

  • Dental Exam

Sixth Grade

  • Physical Exam
  • Immunizations
    – Meningococcal
    – Tdap
    – HepB (series)
  • Dental Exam

First Time Enrolling in State of Illinois

  • Physical Exam
  • Immunizations
  • Dental Exam
  • Vision Exam

   *Lead risk assessment must be completed.

   Physical exam may be required if participating in sports.

Information and Forms

Each collapsible section below contains important information and forms. Please complete forms as requested by your school’s nurse and return completed forms to school with your child.


In January 2011, the Illinois State Board of Education enacted Public Act 96-0349, which requires school boards in Illinois to adopt policies promoting both the prevention and management of life-threatening allergic reactions. A copy of Community Consolidated School District 21’s manual, Procedures for Managing Life-Threatening Food Allergies in School, is available here or at your child’s school. In accordance with this policy, classroom snacks are limited to fruits, vegetables and hard cheese. If necessary, these snacks may be further limited in accordance with specific food allergies in a classroom. School District 21 does not allow food as a birthday treat at school.

Medication Authorization

District policy states that medications, including over-the-counter medications, may be self-administered to students only upon written request of the student’s physician and parent/guardian.


Epilepsy is a neurological disorder characterized by recurrent seizures. A seizure is a brief disruption of electrical activity in the brain. Epilepsy is sometimes called a “seizure disorder”.

  • Seizure Action Plan / Plan de Acción: English  |  Español
  • Questionnaire for Parent of a Student with Seizures / Cuestionario para Padres de un Estudiante con Crisis: English  |  Español