Student Registration
All students who will attend CCSD21 schools must register online. This includes students who are registered at CCSD21 during this current school year, incoming kindergarten students, and any student new to CCSD21. Fees are not collected during registration.
The online registration portal is managed by PowerSchool Enrollment, which manages our Student Information System and Parent Portal. One Enrollment account can be used to manage registrations for all students in one family. Families can upload required documents directly through the Enrollment portal rather than bringing paper copies to the District Registrar. Accepted upload formats: .doc, .docx, .pdf, .txt, .rtf, .xls, .xlsx, .bmp, .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, or .png. To prepare for registration:
- Gather birth certificate and proof of residency
- If applicable, gather relevant screening forms and medical documents (see below)
- Review your school’s handbook and bookmark the page to access throughout the year.
During the registration process, families will need to turn the following items. Items may be uploaded during the registration process or copies may be turned in to the CCSD21 Registrar.
- Birth certificate (new students only)
- Documents to prove residency within CCSD21
- One (1) of the following: Real estate tax bill, signed lease, mortgage document, military housing letter
- Two (2) of the following: Gas bill, electric bill, water/sewer bill, cable bill, vehicle registration, bank statement, driver’s license/state ID, public aid card, Medicaid card, food stamp card, credit card statement, paycheck stub.
Depending on the student’s age, and regardless of if the student is new to CCSD21 or returning, additional forms may need to be completed. These items also need to be turned in to the District Registrar:
- Preschool: Physical Exam
- Kindergarten: Physical, Dental and Vision Exams
- Second Grade: Dental Exam
- Sixth Grade: Physical and Dental Exam
- Seventh Grade: Physical Exam if participating in sports
- Eighth Grade: Physical Exam if participating in sports
- First Time Enrolling in State of Illinois: Physical, Dental and Vision Exams
Questions related to the registration process can be directed to the CCSD21 Registrar, Carmina Martinez (847-520-2610), to your school, or submitted via email ([email protected]).
For questions related to the InfoSnap registration portal, including technical support, please contact PowerSchool at 866-752-6850 and 866-434-6276. PowerSchool support hours are Monday-Friday, 8 AM-7 PM.
Children who experience specific medical conditions (ex. allergies, asthma, diabetes, seizure) may need to submit additional forms. Please review the Health Services page for additional information and forms.
If you are unsure what school your child will attend, visit our School Boundary Map and enter your address.
CCSD21 has begun the screening process to identify children eligible to participate in the pre-kindergarten program for children who are 3 to 5 years old. Please view more information here.
CCSD21 follows Illinois law which specifies that to enter kindergarten or first grade children must be five years of age by Sept. 1 of their kindergarten year or six years of age by Sept. 1 of their first grade year. However, CCSD21 has an acceleration policy that addresses exceptions for children whose potential and skills are in the very superior range when compared with their peers. Please view more information here.
Board of Education policy 7:50, School Admissions and Student Transfers To and from Non-District Schools, outlines information about age of admission, admission documentation, and transfer information. Please click above to review this policy. Refer to the Illinois State Board of Education website to determine if a nonpublic school is recognized.
Board of Education policy 7:30, Student Assignment and Intra-District Transfer, outlines information about school attendance areas and transfers within the District. Requests for transfer must be received at the School District Administration Center between May 1 to July 15 for the upcoming school year. Those making a request will receive written communication not earlier than one (1) week prior to the start of school regarding the transfer request decision.
Families may submit an intra-district transfer request to [email protected].
For questions or information regarding homeless services please visit our McKinney-Vento Homeless Services page here.
Information about child care services can be found here.
School District 21, in conjunction with OrganicLife, offers a daily breakfast and lunch in each of its schools. Please view more information here.
CCSD21 takes part in the National School Breakfast and Lunch Programs and your child may qualify for Free or Reduced Price meals. An income/household size eligibility guideline, generated and adjusted annually by the Federal Government, is published by the State and is used to determine eligibility for free or reduced-price meals for students. A new application must be submitted each school year.
If you believe your family may be eligible for the program, please complete the appropriate application for the school your child attends via the links below. Paper applications may be turned in to your child’s school or the CCSD21 Business Office (959 W. Dundee Road, Wheeling).
The school hours can be accessed here.
The school year calendars can be accessed here.
District 21 offers school bus transportation services to qualified students in accordance with 105 ILCS 5/29 of the Illinois School Code and Board of Education policies 4:110, Transportation and 7:220, Bus Conduct. Information regarding bus routes is distributed to District 21 families in the summer.
Our Frequently Asked Questions page provides responses to many of the questions that our families ask on a regular basis. For more information on CCSD21’s transportation, you may contact the Transportation Manager at 847-520-2705.