Online Registration Q&A
My child currently attends CCSD21. How do I register my child for the 2022-2023 school year?
Visit and click the *returning student* registration link. You will be directed to an InfoSnap login page where you can log in using your child’s SnapCode and complete registration for your child(ren). Returning student registration opens in May for current pre-kindergarten – 7th grade students.
My family just moved into School District 21. How do I register my child for the 2021-2022 school year?
Visit and click the *2021-2022 K-8 Students New to CCSD21* registration link. You will be directed to an InfoSnap login page where you can log in and complete registration for your child(ren).
How much are registration fees?
Fees are set by the Board of Education and will be assessed following registration. Registration fees will be collected in the summer.
What do I need to register my child(ren)?
Online registration is processed through InfoSnap. Parents will need an InfoSnap username and password. Parents should use the same username and password used to register students last year, or can create a new account. Parents of returning students will also need a SnapCode for each returning student. SnapCodes will be sent to the parent/guardian contact information on file when the returning student registration window opens.
Should I create an InfoSnap account?
Yes! You should create one account to register all children in your family. This allows you to securely save your work and come back at a later time if necessary. If you created an InfoSnap account to register either a returning student or a new student in a previous school year, you should use the same account now. After creating a new account, you will have the option to enter your returning student’s SnapCode.
What is a SnapCode?
The SnapCode is a unique code assigned to each student currently enrolled in CCSD21 so parents can securely access their family’s information already on file. Multiple SnapCodes (students) can be registered under one parent account.
How do I access my child’s SnapCode?
SnapCodes will be sent to families currently enrolled in CCSD21 before the registration window opens. Parents can call their school’s office if they have misplaced their SnapCode.
What if I make a mistake while registering?
If you make a mistake during the registration process and would like to make a change, click on the underlined field or click “< Prev” to return to a previous page.
I’ve completed the registration form, now what?
When you have finished entering your information, click “Submit.” This will send all of the information you’ve entered to the school. If you cannot click on this button, it is likely a required field is still blank. Please review the registration and complete all required fields.
What if I have multiple children? Do I need to do this for each child?
Yes. You will need to provide information that is specific for each child. After you complete the registration for one student, you can start a second student – saving time as some family information will automatically apply to all children in the family.