Student Records

Student records are defined as any writing or other information recorded in any way, including, but not limited to, handwriting, print, computer media, video or audio tape, film, microfilm, and microfiche, concerning a student and by which a student may be individually identified, maintained by a school or at its direction or by an employee of a school, regardless of how or where the information is stored.

All student records shall be factual and non-judgmental in nature and maintained in compliance with the state and federal guidelines.



Shall consist of:

  1. Basic identifying information, including students and parents/guardians names and address, birthdate, and place and gender;
  2. Evidence required under Section 5(b)(1) of the Missing Children Records Act; 
  3. Academic transcript, including grades, grade level achieved;
  4. Attendance record;
  5. Health record and immunization documentation; and
  6. Record of release of permanent record information.

May also consist of:

  1. Honors and awards received; and
  2. Information concerning participation in school-sponsored activities or athletics, or offices held in school-sponsored organizations.

No other information shall be placed in the student permanent record.



Student temporary records consist of all information contained in a school student record but not contained in the student permanent record including:

  1. Record of release of temporary record information;
  2. The completed home language survey form;
  3. Scores received on the State assessment tests;
  4. Information regarding serious infractions (i.e., those involving drugs, weapons, or bodily harm to another) that resulted in expulsion, suspension or the imposition of punishment or sanction;
  5. Information provided under Section 8.6 of the Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Act;
  6. Any biometric information that is collected; and
  7. Accident reports.

May also consist of:

  1. Family background information;
  2. Intelligence test scores;
  3. Aptitude test scores;
  4. Reports of psychological evaluations including information on intelligence, personality, and academic information obtained through test administration, observation or interviews;
  5. Elementary achievement level test results;
  6. Participation in extracurricular activities including any offices held in school sponsored clubs or organizations;
  7. Honors and awards received;
  8. Teacher anecdotal records;
  9. Disciplinary information;
  10. Special education files including the report of the multi-disciplinary staffing on which placement or non-placement was based, and all records and tape recordings relating to special education placement hearings and appeals;
  11. Records associated with plans developed under section 504 of the federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973;
  12. Verified reports/information from non-educational persons, agencies or organizations; and
  13. Other verified information of clear relevance to the education of the student.



Parents/Guardians may obtain their minor child’s student records through the Illinois School Student Records Act and Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, unless specifically denied by a court order. All rights and privileges concerning school student records that are accorded to parents/guardians transfer to the student when the student reaches 18 years of age, graduates from high school, marries, or enters military service, whichever occurs first.

If parents/guardians request a copy of the record, they will receive one copy per year at no cost.  Additional copies will be provided at the cost of ten cents per page.  No parent/guardian or student will be denied a copy of school/student records due to the inability to bear the cost of such material.


To submit a request for student records of a current CCSD 21 student, please contact the main office of your child’s school (click here for the contact information of all CCSD 21 schools).



To submit a request for records of a student who has transferred out of the school district, please contact the district registrar at 847-520-2610 or email [email protected].