Frequently Asked Questions


What is the Purpose of the D21 Health Center?

What is the Purpose of the D21 Health Center?

The purpose of a school health center is to provide students and staff members with access to quality medical care that supports their health and keeps them in school. The District 21 Health Center is designed to complement the services offered by the school nurse for students who may need additional care.

By implementing a school health center, seeking healthcare is simple and convenient. The center is available during school hours as well as before and after classes which keeps students and staff in school without needing to miss vital learning time. With an emphasis on prevention, early intervention, and risk reduction, school-based health centers seek to improve students’ overall physical and emotional health regardless of the ability to pay.

What is the difference between a Nurse’s Office and a School Health Center?

What is the difference between a Nurse’s Office and a District Health Center?

The National Associate of School Nurses and the School-Based Health Alliance recently issued a joint statement answering the question, “What happens when school nurses and school-based health centers work together?” Their answer included the following,

  • Students’ health, overall well-being, and academic success improve;
  • Students acquire the health knowledge and skills they need to become independent in providing self-care;
  • School absence rates decrease, and graduation rates increase;
  • Student access to equitable health care increases, including health promotion, disease prevention, and illness management; and
  • Continuity of care occurs when health professionals coordinate student health needs. This frees educators to focus on teaching and allows parents/caregivers to remain at work.
Who can access the D21 Health Center?

Who can access the D21 Health Center?

Any student currently enrolled in Community Consolidated School District 21 (CCSD21) is eligible to visit the health center. In addition, the center may be accessed by CCSD21 staff members.

CCSD21’s agreement with Advocate Health indicates that the D21 Health Center will only provide services to students if they have a signed parental consent form on file. Families may complete the consent form online or pick up a paper copy at the center during normal hours of operation. Students must have a signed consent form in order to be seen.

For those in need, transportation will be available to the D21 Health Center for the 2024-25 school year.  

The medical team also offers services for staff members. Services may include general check-ups and commonly used prescriptions.

How much does it cost to visit the D21 Health Center?

How much does it cost to visit the D21 Health Center?

All medical and mental health appointments, including on-site testing services, are provided at no cost.

What if a student or staff member needs service outside of the scope of services offered by the D21 HC?

What if a student or staff member needs service outside of the scope of services offered by the D21 Health Center?

If a student or staff member needs a service outside the scope of services available at the District 21 Health Center, the Advocate Health staff will offer a referral. Advocate Health uses a referral database and established list of professionals for medical and mental health service referrals.

How is privacy maintained?

How is privacy maintained?

Medical records remain confidential between the patient, family and our operating partner. Parents or guardians may authorize information to be shared with the school by completing a consent form available from the D21 Health Center staff.

How is the D21 Health Center funded?

How is the D21 Health Center funded?

The District 21 Health Center will have two expenses:

A one-time cost for the construction and purchase of furnishings for the health center space; and
An annual expense to pay for the operating costs of the health center.

One-time Costs

Through the support of Congressman Brad Schneider, the school district was awarded a one-time grant of $1,000,000 for building construction, land improvement and equipment expenses. This funding was made possible through Congress’ 2022 HRSA Community Project Funding process and was approved as part of the recent Omnibus spending bill.

Additionally, the school district received a donation of $1M from an anonymous donor. 

Ongoing Costs

Except for providing general janitorial/maintenance and technology support, the costs of operating a health center are contained to general supplies and personnel. Most school health centers are operated as a partnership between the school and a community health organization. It is estimated that operating a health center will cost between $425,000 and $475,000 per year. This estimate has been developed after an extensive financial review of two, similarly-situated school-based health centers in our region.

In terms of financial responsibility, the school district is responsible for funding the health services and/or securing operating grants from the Illinois Department of Public Health, the federal government, the State of Illinois, and community-based organizations.


Advisory Board

Illinois Administrative Code (Title 77, Chapter I, Subchapter i, Party 641, Section 641.30) requires that a School-Based Health Center establish and maintain an Advisory Board. The role of the Advisory Board is to advise, make recommendations, and provide community support and feedback.

District 21’s Health Center’s Advisory Board will meet on a regular basis. 

Advisory Board Members

CCSD21 Administration
Kim Cline, Assistant Superintendent
Micheal DeBartolo, Assistant Superintendent

CCSD21 Staff
Olivia Aguado, District’s Public Health Liaison
Lauren Schmidt, District’s McKinney-Vento Liaison
Bailey Hack, Certified School Nurse

Erica Slack, Nurse Practitioner

CCSD21 Parents/Guardians
Maryam Diaz, Parent Representative from the Holmes School strand (Frost, Holmes, Twain, Whitman)
Sunnah Kim, Parent Representative from the London School strand (Field, London, Riley, Tarkington)
Anna Grinberg, Parent Representative from the Cooper School strand (Cooper, Kilmer, Longfellow, Poe)
Jennifer Tani, At-large parent representative

Youth Service Agencies
Roy Eiermann, Representative from OMNI Youth Services

Susan Pritzker, Community member with a medical background (a medical doctor or a doctor of osteopathic medicine)
Jenny Keller, Community member at large