

Mathematical Content Standards

Unit 1: Establishing Routines

Power Standards

Power Standards

  • #5: Solve word problems involving calculating, comparing and making exchanges between coins and bills using the $ and ¢ symbols appropriately. (2.MD.8)
Concepts and Skills

Concepts and Skills


  • Count by 1s
  • Count by 5s, 10s, and 100s
  • Record comparisons using >, =, or <
  • Determine whether the number of objects in a group is odd or even
  • Represent whole numbers as lengths from 0 on a number-line diagram
  • Represent sums and differences on a number-line diagram
  • Mentally add 10 to and subtract 10 from a given number
  • Add within 20 fluently


  • Solve problems involving coins and bills


Unit 2: Fact Strategies

Power Standards

Power Standards

  • #1: Solve one- and two-step addition and subtraction word problems using various representations (drawings, equations) within 100. (2.0A.1)
  • #2: Use place value understanding to identify the three digits of a three-digit number as the amount of hundreds, tens, and ones. (2.NBT.1)
  • #5: Solve word problems involving calculating, comparing and making exchanges between coins and bills using the $ and ¢ symbols appropriately. (2.MD.8)
Concepts and Skills

Concepts and Skills


  • Understand exchanging 10s and 100s

Whole Number Operations:

  • Use addition and subtraction to solve one-step number stories
  • Add within 20 fluently
  • Express an even number as a sum of two equal addends
  • Know all sums of two 1-digit numbers automatically
  • Add within 100 fluently


Unit 3: More Fact Strategies

Power Standards

Power Standards

  • #1: Solve one- and two-step addition and subtraction word problems using various representations (drawings, equations) within 100. (2.0A.1)
  • #5: Solve word problems involving calculating, comparing and making exchanges between coins and bills using the $ and ¢ symbols appropriately. (2.MD.8)
Concepts and Skills

Concepts and Skills

Whole Number Operations:

  • Add and subtract within 20 fluently
  • Add multi digit numbers using models or strategies


Unit 4: Place Value and Measurement

Power Standards

Power Standards

  • #2: Use place value understanding to identify the three digits of a three-digit number as the amount of hundreds, tens, and ones. (2.NBT.1)
  • #3: Estimate, measure and record lengths using appropriate labels (nearest inch, foot, cm and m). (2.MD.1,3)
  • #4: Tell and write time using analog and digital clocks to the nearest 5 minutes, using AM and PM. (2.MD.7)
Concepts and Skills

Concepts and Skills


  • Tell and write time using analog and digital clocks
  • Use A.M. and P.M.
  • Measure the length of an object


  • Understand 3-digit place value
  • Compare and order numbers.
  • Understand exchanging tens and hundreds

Whole Number Operations:

  • Add multi digit numbers using models or strategies


Unit 5: Addition and Subtraction

Power Standards

Power Standards

  • #1: Solve one- and two-step addition and subtraction word problems using various representations (drawings, equations) within 100. (2.0A.1)
  • #5: Solve word problems involving calculating, comparing and making exchanges between coins and bills using the $ and ¢ symbols appropriately. (2.MD.8)
Concepts and Skills

Concepts and Skills

Whole Number Operations:

  • Know all sums of two 1-digit numbers automatically
  • Mentally add 100 to or subtract 100 from a given number
  • Represent sums and differences on a number-line diagram
  • Use addition and subtraction to solve 1-step number stories
  • Add multi digit numbers using models or strategies
  • Add within 100 fluently


  • Solve problems involving coins and bills
  • Read and write monetary amounts


Unit 6: Whole Number Operations and Number Sentences

Power Standards

Power Standards

  • #1: Solve one- and two-step addition and subtraction word problems using various representations (drawings, equations) within 100. (2.0A.1)
  • #2: Use place value understanding to identify the three digits of a three-digit number as the amount of hundreds, tens, and ones. (2.NBT.1)
  • #3: Estimate, measure and record lengths using appropriate labels (nearest inch, foot, cm and m). (2.MD.1,3)
  • #6: Draw, read and interpret picture graphs, bar graphs and line plots to represent data sets with up to four categories. (2.MD.9-10)
  • #7: Recognize and draw shapes (triangles, quadrilaterals, pentagons, hexagons) having specified attributes (e.g., number of angles, sides or faces). (2.G.1)
Concepts and Skills

Concepts and Skills

Whole Number Operations:

  • Add and subtract with 100 fluently
  • Model 1-step problems involving addition and subtraction
  • Solve number stories involving length by adding or subtracting
  • Use addition and subtraction to solve 2-step number stories
  • Add and subtract multi-digit numbers using models or strategies


  • Organize and represent data on bar and picture graphs


Unit 7: Whole Number Operations and Measurement

Power Standards

Power Standards

  • #1: Solve one- and two-step addition and subtraction word problems using various representations (drawings, equations) within 100. (2.0A.1)
  • #2: Use place value understanding to identify the three digits of a three-digit number as the amount of hundreds, tens, and ones. (2.NBT.1)
  • #3: Estimate, measure and record lengths using appropriate labels (nearest inch, foot, cm and m). (2.MD.1,3)
  • #6: Draw, read and interpret picture graphs, bar graphs and line plots to represent data sets with up to four categories. (2.MD.9-10)
  • #7: Recognize and draw shapes (triangles, quadrilaterals, pentagons, hexagons) having specified attributes (e.g., number of angles, sides or faces). (2.G.1)
Concepts and Skills

Concepts and Skills

Whole Number Operations:

  • Subtract with 100 fluently
  • Add up to four 2-digit numbers


  • Estimate lengths
  • Measure the length of an object


  • Represent measurement data on a line plot


Unit 8: Geometry and Arrays

Power Standards

Power Standards

  • #1: Solve one- and two-step addition and subtraction word problems using various representations (drawings, equations) within 100. (2.0A.1)
  • #7: Recognize and draw shapes (triangles, quadrilaterals, pentagons, hexagons) having specified attributes (e.g., number of angles, sides or faces). (2.G.1)
Concepts and Skills

Concepts and Skills


  • Identify 2- and 3-dimensional shapes
  • Recognize and draw shapes with specified attributes

Whole Number Operations:

  • Partition a rectangle into rows and columns of same-size squares and count to find the total number of squares
  • Find the total number of objects in a rectangular array
  • Express the number of objects in an array as the sum of equal addends


Unit 9: Equal Shares and Whole Number Operations

Power Standards

Power Standards

  • #1: Solve one- and two-step addition and subtraction word problems using various representations (drawings, equations) within 100. (2.0A.1)
  • #2: Use place value understanding to identify the three digits of a three-digit number as the amount of hundreds, tens, and ones. (2.NBT.1)
  • #3: Estimate, measure and record lengths using appropriate labels (nearest inch, foot, cm and m). (2.MD.1,3)
  • #5: Solve word problems involving calculating, comparing and making exchanges between coins and bills using the $ and ¢ symbols appropriately. (2.MD.8)
Concepts and Skills

Concepts and Skills


  • Partition shapes into equal shares
  • Describe equal shares using fraction words


  • Measure the length of an object
  • Solve problems involving coins and bills


  • Count by 5s, 10s, and 100s
  • Read and write numbers in expanded form
  • Express an even number as a sum of two equal addends

Whole Number Operations:

  • Subtract multi digit numbers using models or strategies
  • Use addition and subtraction to solve 2-step number stories