
Second Grade

Trimester 1 Standards

Reading Literature and Informational Text

CCSD 21 offers programs that provide instruction in English, Spanish & Russian.  These standards apply to all languages of instruction.


Ask and answer questions (who, what, where, when why, and how) to determine understanding of key details in a text referring explicitly to the text as the basis for the answers. (RL 2.1, 2.7 & SL 2.3)

Recount/retell the main idea, central message lesson or moral by providing text evidence from fiction texts. (RL 2.2 & SL 2.4)

Year Long Standards

  • Use reading strategies (ask questions, make connections, make inferences, visualize, or reread text) to find more information or clarify ideas in order to help understand more difficult, complex text.
  • Ask and answer who, what, where, when, why, and how questions about texts in a variety of genres before, during and after reading.
  • Define topic or main idea (who or what the text is mostly about).
  • Read stories with more than one paragraph and explain the topic or main idea of each paragraph.
  • Show different points of view by changing one’s voice when reading dialogue for each character aloud.
  • Understand the main purpose of a text and explain what the author of a text wants to inform, explain, or describe.

Tri 1 Standards

  • Retell a story with the beginning, middle, and end.
  • Describe how the characters, setting, and action are introduced in a story.
  • Use information gathered in the illustrations/graphics to understand the character and plot.
  • Describe how the events at the end of a story let one know what happened to the characters.
  • Use information and words in a story to help describe the characters, setting, or plot.
  • Identify and describe how characters react to events and challenges from a variety of genres.
  • Understand the main purpose of text and explain what the author of a text wants to inform, explain, or describe. (Tri 1 focus on entertain)

Speaking and Listening

CCSD 21 offers programs that provide instruction in English, Spanish & Russian.  These standards apply to all languages of instruction.


Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners with peers and adults in small and large groups. (SL 2.1, 2.2, 2.3)

Tell a story or recount an experience with appropriate facts/details, speaking audibly in coherent sentences. (SL 2.4, 2.5, 2.6)

Year Long Standards

  • Recognize and speak in complete sentences when asked to provide details or clarification.
  • Answer questions using information recalled or gathered.
  • Follow agreed-upon rules for discussions (listening to others with care, speaking one at a time about the topic, speaking at an appropriate time).
  • Link one’s ideas to other speakers’ ideas.
  • Create audio recordings to clarify ideas, thoughts, and feelings.

Tri 1 Standards

  • Identify and follow agreed-upon rules for discussion.
  • Ask peers or an adult questions to better understand when more clarification is needed.
  • Tell a story or share an experience with relevant facts and descriptive details using complete sentences and speaking in a clear voice that the audience will understand.
  • Understand the main purpose of a text and explain the author’s purpose (inform, explain, or describe).
  • Identify, describe, and retell key ideas and details.
  • Identify specific points the author makes.
  • Describe the reason the author uses to support each point.


CCSD 21 offers programs that provide instruction in English, Spanish & Russian.  These standards apply to all languages of instruction.


Write narratives recounting authentic events that include details to describe actions, thoughts, and feelings, using temporal words to signal event order, and provide a sense of closure. (W 2.3 & L 2.1, 2.2, 2.4, & 2.5)

Year Long Standards

  • Write routinely over extended time frames and shorter time frames for a range of discipline-specific tasks, purposes, and audiences.
  • Recognize that a good piece of writing requires more than one draft and requires editing and revision based on self-assessment and reflection, in conference with a teacher and peers.
  • Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grade 2 reading and content, choosing flexibly from an array of strategies:
    • Determine the meaning of a word or phrase by looking for clues in a sentence.
    • Determine how the meaning of a word changes when a prefix is added, such as happy/unhappy.
    • Use knowledge of a root word to see how the meaning of similar words are related (for example, addition and additional).
    • Predict the meaning of compound words by looking for words known within them.
  • Make a real-life connection (text to self) to words heard or read.
  • Recognize and describe verbs and adjectives that have similar meanings and choose the one that best fits the action or description.
  • Understand the differences between speaking or writing using informal English and formal English when appropriate.
  • Identify misspelled words and use a dictionary to assist in spelling correctly.
  • Learn and use vocabulary terms that have to do with a topic one is learning about.
  • Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking. (See each trimester for specific critical content).

Tri 1 Standards

  • Write a sentence to introduce a topic.
  • Write stories in the correct order using temporal words like before, during, and after and create an ending for the story.
  • Describe actions, thoughts, and feelings in one’s story.
  • Use a closing sentence.
  • Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking. (See each trimester for specific critical content).

English Reading Foundations


Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words in order to read and comprehend grade-level texts with purpose and understanding. (RF 2.3 & 2.4)

Year Long Standards

  • Read second-grade text fluently (easy, smooth, and automatic) and with expression to show comprehension.
  • Self-correct misunderstood words using context clues and reread with corrections when necessary.
  • Read irregularly spelled words without having to sound them out (High-Frequency Words)
  • Generalize learned spelling patterns when writing words

Tri 1 Standards

  • Recognize & Use:
    • ending consonants
    • medial consonants
    • consonant clusters (onsets)
  • Distinguish short and long vowel sounds and patterns
  • Correctly identify and pronounce common vowel teams (ea, oi, oo)
  • Identify words with common spelling-sound correspondences that create different sounds (hint/pint, bead/head, doll/roll).
  • Identify and decode two-syllable words with long vowels.
  • Recognize and use compound words that have frequently used component words or common parts

Spanish Reading Foundations


Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words in order to read and comprehend grade-level texts with purpose and understanding. (RF 2.3 & 2.4)

Year Long Standards

  • RF.2.3. Conocen y aplican la fonética y las destrezas de análisis de palabras a nivel de grado, en la decodificación de palabras.
  • RF 2.4. Leen con suficiente precisión y fluidez para apoyar la comprensión.

Tri 1 Standards

Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words in order to read and comprehend grade-level texts with purpose and understanding. (RF 2.3 & 2.4)

RF.2.3. Conocen y aplican la fonética y las destrezas de análisis de palabras a nivel de grado, en la decodificación de palabras.

  • Distinguen los sonidos de las vocales y de los diptongos al leer palabras de una sílaba de ortografía regular (dio, pie, bien). 
  • Distinguen los sonidos de las vocales en los triptongos al leer palabras ya conocidas (buey, Paraguay, Uruguay) fijándose en el uso de la ye (y) como vocal.
  • Decodifican palabras multisilábicas. 
  • Identifican palabras que contienen el mismo fonema pero distinto grafema (b-v; c-s-z-x; c-k-qu; g-j; y-ll; r-rr). 
  • Reconocen y leen al nivel de grado palabras con ortografía relativamente compleja con h, que es siempre muda, excepto en el dígrafo ch, o con las sílabas que, qui; gue, gui.

RF 2.4. Leen con suficiente precisión y fluidez para apoyar la comprensión. 

  • Leen textos a nivel adecuado con propósito y comprensión. 
  • Leen oralmente textos a nivel de grado con precisión, ritmo adecuado y expresión en lecturas sucesivas. 
  • Usan el contexto para confirmar o autocorregir el reconocimiento de las palabras y la comprensión, releyendo cuando sea necesario.

Russian Reading Foundations


Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words in order to read and comprehend grade-level texts with purpose and understanding. (RF 2.3 & 2.4)

Year Long Standards

  • Read second-grade text fluently (easy, smooth and automatic) and with expression to show comprehension.
  • Self-correct misunderstood words using context clues and reread with corrections when necessary.
  • Read irregularly spelled words without having to sound them out (High Frequency Words)
  • Generalize learned spelling patterns when writing words

Tri 1 Standards

  • не употреблять ь в буквосочетаниях чк, чн, нч, нщ 
  • делить слова на части для переноса
  • писать изученные слова с непроверяемой безударной согласной в корне