

Trimester 3 Standards

Reading Literature and Informational Text

CCSD 21 offers programs that provide instruction in English, Spanish & Russian.  These standards apply to all languages of instruction.


Retell nonfiction text describing individuals, events and pieces of information through text read aloud or shared reading. (RI K.2 & SL K.2 & K.4)

Compare and contrast the experiences of characters in stories referring explicitly to the text. (RL K.9)

Year Long Standards

  • Describe people, places, things, and events with details.
  • Ask and answer questions before, during, and after reading a text.
  • Name characters, setting, and events of a story.
  • Retell stories using key details.
  • Retell the key ideas of a nonfiction text.
  • Find, ask, and answer questions and meanings of words not known.

Tri 3 Standards

In the language of instruction…

With prompting and support…

  • Ask and answer questions about unknown words.
  • Identify characters, setting, and major events with key details.
  • Describe the connection between two individuals, events, ideas.
  • Retell familiar stories, including key details.
  • Describe the relationship between illustrations and the text.
  • Describe people, places, things, and events with details.
  • Explain the lesson a character learns in a story.
  • Actively engaged in group reading activities with purpose and understanding.
  • Identify what is the same and different about two texts and how the adventures and experiences of a character are alike and different.

Speaking and Listening

CCSD 21 offers programs that provide instruction in English, Spanish & Russian.  These standards apply to all languages of instruction.


Build on others’ talk in academic conversations by linking comments and questions to the key points and evidence provided by others.

Year Long Standards

  • Following speaking and listening rules when in a discussion (face the speaker, sit still, make eye contact).
  • Link to the comments of others and share one’s own ideas.
  • Ask questions about information that is not clear.

Tri 3 Standards

In the language of instruction…

  • Describe people, places, things, and events w/details.
  • Identify places in one’s work where one wants to add more detail.
  • Identify the points an author makes in a text (e.g., Everyone should recycle).
  • Ask and answer questions about key details of information presented in multiple ways.


CCSD 21 offers programs that provide instruction in English, Spanish & Russian.  These standards apply to all languages of instruction.


Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to express opinions about authentic topics/texts clearly highlighting the topic and a preference or opinion (W K.1 & L K.1, K.2, K.4, & K.5) 

Year Long Standards

  • Write routinely over extended time frames and shorter time frames for a range of discipline-specific tasks, purposes, and audiences.
  • Answer questions about one’s writing.
  • Listen to ideas the teachers and peers have about one’s writing.
  • Work with the teacher and others to learn about digital tools to produce and publish writing.
  • Consult picture dictionaries or word banks to find the meaning of words.
  • Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking. (See each trimester for specific Standards).

Tri 3 Standards

In the language of instruction…

  • Determine one’s opinion or preference about a topic or book and use drawing and words to share the opinion with others.
  • Add details that will help the reader understand one’s writing.
  • Use drawings and words to name and give information about a topic.
  • Recognize that some words have more than one meaning.
  • Capitalize the first word in a sentence and the pronoun “ I.” 
  • With guidance and support from adults, explore word relationships and nuances in word meanings:
    • Sort common objects into categories
    • Identify real-life connections between words and their uses
    • Tell how similar verbs like walk, march, run have slightly different meanings.
    • Use words to explain what the objects in categories have in common
  • Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking. (See each trimester for specific Standards).

English Reading Foundations


Demonstrate an understanding of print concepts, phonological awareness, and word analysis and decoding skills in order to read appropriate texts with purpose and understanding. (RF K.1, K.2, K.3, & K.4)

Year Long Standards

  • Recognize and name all of the capital letters and lowercase letters in the alphabet.
  • Read common high-frequency words by sight.
  • Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words.
  • Read emergent-reader texts with purpose and understanding.

Tri 3 Standards

  • Recognize and name all upper- and lowercase letters of the alphabet.
  • Read common high-frequency words by sight
  • Concept of Print – Read words left to right, top to bottom, and page-by-page.
  • Read emergent-reader texts with purpose and understanding.
  • Add or substitute individual sounds (phonemes) in simple, one-syllable words to make new words.
  • Isolate and pronounce the initial, medial vowel, and final sounds (phonemes) in three-phoneme (consonant-vowel-consonant, or CVC) words.
  • Demonstrate basic knowledge of one-to-one letter-sound correspondences by producing the primary sound or many of the most frequent sounds for each consonant.
  • Associate the long and short sounds with the common spellings (graphemes) for the five major vowels.
  • Distinguish between similarly spelled words by identifying the sounds of the letters that differ.

Spanish Reading Foundations


Demonstrate an understanding of print concepts, phonological awareness, and word analysis and decoding skills in order to read appropriate texts with purpose and understanding. (RF K.1, K.2, K.3, & K.4)

Year Long Standards

  • RF. K 1 Demuestran comprensión de la organización y características básicas de los materiales impresos.
  • RF.K.4. Leen textos para lectores principiantes, con propósito y comprensión.

Tri 3 Standards

RF.K.2. Demuestran comprensión de las palabras habladas, las sílabas y los sonidos (fonemas).

  • Separan y pronuncian los sonidos iniciales, medios y finales (fonemas) en palabras monosilábicas de tres fonemas* (consonante-vocal-consonante, o CVC). Incluyen palabras que terminan con /l/ y /r/ (ejemplo: sal, sol, mar, por).
  • Combinan dos sílabas para formar palabras bisílabas que les son familiares: ma + no = mano; ma + ma = mamá; ma + pa = mapa; sa + po = sapo; so + pa = sopa.
  • Reconocen el uso del acento ortográfico para distinguir la pronunciación entre palabras que se escriben iguales (papa-papá, paso-pasó). 
  • Reconocen que el acento escrito (acento ortográfico) es una marca sobre una vocal que indica la pronunciación de la palabra de acuerdo con la sílaba que recibe el énfasis al pronunciar la palabra. 

RF.K.3. Conocen y aplican la fonética y las destrezas de análisis de palabras a nivel de grado, en la decodificación de palabras.

  • Demuestran el conocimiento básico de la correspondencia entre letra y sonido (de una en una) al producir el sonido principal o los sonidos más frecuentes que representa cada consonante. 
  • Asocian los sonidos (fonemas) con la ortografía común (grafemas) para las cinco vocales incluyendo el uso de la ye (y) como equivalente de la vocal i.* Throughout
  • Distinguen entre palabras de ortografía similar mediante la identificación de los sonidos de las letras que son diferentes (con/ son; niño/niña; masa/mesa). 
  • Reconocen las dos sílabas CV que forman palabras de alta frecuencia en el lenguaje cotidiano; ma-má; pa-pá; ca-sa; si-lla; me-sa; ca-ma; ga-to. Tri 2-3

RF.K.4. Leen textos para lectores principiantes, con propósito y comprensión.

Russian Reading Foundations


Demonstrate an understanding of print concepts, phonological awareness, and word analysis and decoding skills in order to read appropriate texts with purpose and understanding. (RF K.1, K.2, K.3, & K.4)

Year Long Standards

  •  Read emergent-reader texts with purpose and understanding.
  • Recognize and name all of the capital letters and lowercase letters in the alphabet.
  • Read emergent-reader texts with purpose and understanding.

Tri 3 Standards

  • Read emergent-reader texts with purpose and understanding.
  • Recognize and name all of the capital letters and lowercase letters in the alphabet
  • Blend and segment single-syllable words (two, three, and four sounds)