CCSD21 approves bids to complete renovation work at Gill Administration Building

January 16, 2025

Topic: Updates

The Community Consolidated School District 21 Board of Education on Jan. 16 formally approved two bids totaling $1,511,773 to complete renovations of the remaining unused portion of the Gill Administration Building, which would convert it into storage space.  

Approximately $1,175,900 will be split among Monarch Construction for general trades work; Amber Mechanical for heating, ventilation and air conditioning work; and Prospect Electric for electrical work.

The remaining costs, not to exceed $335,873, will be used for the construction management fee structure and miscellaneous costs with Nicholas & Associates, the district’s construction management firm. Any unused contingency dollars or unused potential costs/service dollars will be deducted from this amount.

The building was formerly used as the district’s administrative offices, and has sat mostly vacant since the new Community Service Center and Administrative Office opened in January 2023. The district’s Information Services team still retains some office space on the first floor of Gill, and the Operations department and warehouse space can be found on the premises. The district conversion of the unused space into storage will allow for district furniture, supplies and other materials to be housed onsite.

The project gives District 21 the necessary space so the rental of storage facilities and cargo containers will no longer be necessary, according to Micheal DeBartolo, assistant superintendent for finance and operations/CSBO. The reduction in cost for these outside storage options allows the district to return such funds to the education program.

Construction is slated to begin immediately after board approval, with completion expected prior to the beginning of summer construction projects, which are currently out for bid. The project is being funded from the district’s capital projects fund, which is made up of budget allocations and prior year budget surpluses set aside for these types of initiatives.