WHAT’S GOING ON AT FROST? A Time of Change and Growth
Change can be scary. It requires people to step out of their comfort zone and face the unknown. At Frost Elementary School, the administration, staff, and students have faced many changes over the past several years. They have learned to embrace change and view it as part of a positive growth process. Aside from the pandemic, Frost has persevered through several other transformations in the district, all towards constructive growth.
Over the years, the leadership at the building has changed. From interim principals to others that served short term, to Catherine Joy, who is now at the helm. Like her namesake, Mrs. Joy took a forward-looking stance and embraced change while mentoring others to adopt and grow along with them. Last year, for instance, Frost welcomed 22 new staff members. Twenty-two! With fresh ideas and new perspectives, the staff was encouraged to welcome this group of new Falcons who have provided some novel conversations and different viewpoints, all in an effort to grow.
For over a decade, Frost School was home to many Polish and Hispanic students enrolled in bilingual education programs. Over the last couple of years, Frost has become significantly more diverse with over a dozen languages spoken by the students. Teachers and staff had to pivot and incorporate additional support for students and their language needs. The infusion of other cultures have enhanced the learning and expanded the experiences of not just the students, but the staff and administration as well.
Thirdly, the tools for teaching throughout the entire district have changed over the last several years. Currently, every student, K-8, has assigned HP Chromebooks. While it may have taken some time for students to acclimate to the new technology, these tools have amplified their learning and has allowed them to be armed for the 21st century while adapting to a digital world.
Lastly, curriculum changes have made an impact at the school. Instead of more traditional teaching methods, staff has flipped the classroom to make learning more collaborative.They have allowed students to take the reins of their education and make learning fun by encouraging them to ask questions, be curious and engage in the process. In fact, Principal Joy changed up the lunch and recess hours so that students in kindergarten, 2nd and 4h grade eat together and then go to recess. Students in 1st, 3rd and 5th grades go to recess first and then eat lunch. Prior to that, the periods were more homogeneous. “I’ve noticed that the older students are helping the younger ones find their way to the correct lines, teaching them the playground rules, and modeling our Frost values of respect, care, and community,” said Principal Joy. Another change for good.
Change is inevitable and we are fortunate that the staff and students at Frost Elementary School have embraced change as positive growth. We look forward to seeing what’s next for this great Frost family.