
Language Arts

Trimester 3 Standards

Reading Literature and Informational Text

CCSD 21 offers programs that provide instruction in English, Spanish & Russian.  These standards apply to all languages of instruction.


Ask and answer questions (who, what, where, when why, and how) to determine understanding of key details in a text referring explicitly to the text as the basis for the answers. (RL 2.1, 2.7 & SL 2.3)

Recount/retell the main idea, central message lesson or moral by providing text evidence from fiction texts. (RL 2.2 & SL 2.4)

Year Long Standards

  • Use reading strategies (ask questions, make connections, make inferences, visualize, or reread text) to find more information or clarify ideas in order to help understand more difficult, complex text.
  • Ask and answer who, what, where, when, why, and how questions about texts in a variety of genres before, during and after reading.
  • Define topic or main idea (who or what the text is mostly about).
  • Read stories with more than one paragraph and explain the topic or main idea of each paragraph.
  • Show different points of view by changing one’s voice when reading dialogue for each character aloud.
  • Understand the main purpose of a text and explain what the author of a text wants to inform, explain, or describe.

Tri 3 Standards

  • Recognize that different characters have different points of view (attitude or feelings) and different voices.
  • Recount (retell stories, including fables, and folktales from cultures other than one’s own).
  • Determine the central message, lesson, or moral (idea an author is trying to share) of these stories.
  • Identify and describe how characters react to events and challenges. (variety of genres)
  • Compare and contrast two or more versions of the same story by different authors and cultures.

Speaking and Listening

CCSD 21 offers programs that provide instruction in English, Spanish & Russian.  These standards apply to all languages of instruction.


Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners with peers and adults in small and large groups. (SL 2.1, 2.2, 2.3)

Tell a story or recount an experience with appropriate facts/details, speaking audibly in coherent sentences. (SL 2.4, 2.5, 2.6)

Year Long Standards

  • Recognize and speak in complete sentences when asked to provide details or clarification.
  • Answer questions using information recalled or gathered.
  • Follow agreed-upon rules for discussions (listening to others with care, speaking one at a time about the topic, speaking at an appropriate time).
  • Link one’s ideas to other speakers’ ideas.
  • Create audio recordings to clarify ideas, thoughts, and feelings.

Tri 3 Standards

  • Add drawings and visual displays (e.g., illustrations, graphs, photos, technological resources) to make ideas, thoughts, and feelings clear and to acquire and use information.
  • Read aloud stories or poems using voice to make them come to life (e.g., adjust volume of voice, make exclamations, change the pace).
  • Speak clearly and at an understandable pace (speed) when creating audio recordings or stories or poems.
  • Present brief oral reports using language and vocabulary appropriate to the message and audience.


CCSD 21 offers programs that provide instruction in English, Spanish & Russian.  These standards apply to all languages of instruction.


Write opinion pieces on authentic topics/texts using an introduction, connected and supporting reasons, and a conclusion. (W 2.1 & L 2.1, 2.2, 2.4, & 2.5)

Year Long Standards

  • Write routinely over extended time frames and shorter time frames for a range of discipline-specific tasks, purposes, and audiences.
  • Recognize that a good piece of writing requires more than one draft and requires editing and revision based on self-assessment and reflection, in conference with a teacher and peers.
  • Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grade 2 reading and content, choosing flexibly from an array of strategies:
    • Determine the meaning of a word or phrase by looking for clues in a sentence.
    • Determine how the meaning of a word changes when a prefix is added, such as happy/unhappy.
    • Use knowledge of a root word to see how the meaning of similar words are related (for example, addition and additional).
    • Predict the meaning of compound words by looking for words known within them.
  • Make a real-life connection (text to self) to words heard or read.
  • Recognize and describe verbs and adjectives that have similar meanings and choose the one that best fits the action or description.
  • Understand the differences between speaking or writing using informal English and formal English when appropriate.
  • Identify misspelled words and use a dictionary to assist in spelling correctly.
  • Learn and use vocabulary terms that have to do with a topic one is learning about.
  • Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking. (See each trimester for specific critical content).

Tri 3 Standards

  • Write an opinion piece that…
    • identifies one’s opinion at the beginning.
    • gives supporting reasons.
    • uses connecting words.
    • has a closing sentence that restates the opinion.
  • Cite sources used.
  • Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking. (See each trimester for specific critical content).

English Reading Foundations


Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words in order to read and comprehend grade-level texts with purpose and understanding. (RF 2.3 & 2.4)

Year Long Standards

  • Read second-grade text fluently (easy, smooth, and automatic) and with expression to show comprehension.
  • Self-correct misunderstood words using context clues and reread with corrections when necessary.
  • Read irregularly spelled words without having to sound them out (High-Frequency Words)
  • Generalize learned spelling patterns when writing words

Tri 3 Standards

  • Use verbs with inflectional endings, -es, -s, -ing, -er, or -ed (suffixes).
  • Read and write words by removing or adding an inflectional ending -s, -ing, -er, or -ed.
  • Recognize and use plurals that add -s to words that end with a vowel and y.
  • Recognize and use plurals that add -es to words that end with a consonant and y after changing the y to an i.
  • Distinguish shades of meaning among closely related verbs (e.g. toss, throw, hurl) and closely related adjectives (e.g. thin, slender, skinny, scrawny) 

Spanish Reading Foundations


Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words in order to read and comprehend grade-level texts with purpose and understanding. (RF 2.3 & 2.4)

Year Long Standards

  • RF.2.3. Conocen y aplican la fonética y las destrezas de análisis de palabras a nivel de grado, en la decodificación de palabras.
  • RF 2.4. Leen con suficiente precisión y fluidez para apoyar la comprensión.

Tri 3 Standards

Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words in order to read and comprehend grade-level texts with purpose and understanding. (RF 2.3 & 2.4)

RF.2.3. Conocen y aplican la fonética y las destrezas de análisis de palabras a nivel de grado, en la decodificación de palabras.

  • Decodifican palabras con prefijos y sufijos de uso frecuente.
  • Clasifican palabras de acuerdo con su acento tónico en categorías de aguda, grave y esdrújula para aplicar las reglas ortográficas del uso del acento escrito. 
  • Reconocen y usan acento escrito para indicar que hay hiato y no diptongo, en palabras conocidas (María, baúl, maíz).

RF 2.4. Leen con suficiente precisión y fluidez para apoyar la comprensión. 

  • Leen textos a nivel adecuado con propósito y comprensión. 
  • Leen oralmente textos a nivel de grado con precisión, ritmo adecuado y expresión en lecturas sucesivas. 
  • Usan el contexto para confirmar o autocorregir el reconocimiento de las palabras y la comprensión, releyendo cuando sea necesario.

Russian Reading Foundations


Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words in order to read and comprehend grade-level texts with purpose and understanding. (RF 2.3 & 2.4)

Year Long Standards

  • Read second grade text fluently (easy, smooth and automatic) and with expression to show comprehension.
  • Self-correct misunderstood words using context clues and reread with corrections when necessary.
  • Read irregularly spelled words without having to sound them out (High Frequency Words)
  • Generalize learned spelling patterns when writing words

Tri 3 Standards

  • Recognize and use plurals 
  • образовывать слова с помощью суффиксов и приставок;
  • ставить вопросы к словам в предложении (кто? что? какой? какая? какое? какие? что делает?)
  • находить в предложении (тексте) слова, отвечающие на эти вопросы
  • писать ъ и ь разделительные