
Language Arts

Trimester 1 Standards

Reading Literature and Informational Text

CCSD 21 offers programs that provide instruction in English, Spanish & Russian.  These standards apply to all languages of instruction.


Recount/retell text to express an understanding of the author’s main purpose supported by evidence from information presented visually and in words. (RL & RI 1.2, 1.5, 1.6, SL 1.4 & SL 1.5)

Ask and answer questions about key details and illustrations in order to demonstrate understanding of the text. (RI 1.1 & 1.7 & SL 1.2 & 1.3)

Year Long Standards

  • Ask questions and answer questions about what was read.
  • Ask and answer literal questions.
  • Clarify the meaning of words or phrases not understood in a text, by asking and answering questions.
  • Ask and answer open ended/higher level questions.
  • Explain which parts of a text one understands and which parts one does not understand.
  • Learn new words and use words that have to do with a topic one is learning about.
  • Ask questions to clear up any confusion about topics and texts.
  • Retell the setting, characters, and events (problem/solution)  in a story.

Tri 1 Standards

  • Tell the differences between fiction and nonfiction genres.
  • Look at pictures in a text and explain what one learned from them.
  • Identify who is telling the story in various parts of the text.
  • Compare what one sees in pictures to the words that one reads in a text.
  • Identify characters, settings, and major events in a story, using key details.
  • Find words in a text that describe a character’s or narrator’s feelings.
  • Ask and answer questions about key details in a text using five “wh” word questions.
  • Retell a familiar story remembering the important details and the main idea of each story.
  • Identify words and phrases in stories or poems that suggest feeling or appeal to the senses.

Speaking and Listening

CCSD 21 offers programs that provide instruction in English, Spanish & Russian.  These standards apply to all languages of instruction.


 Build on others’ talk in academic conversations by linking comments and questions to the key points and evidence provided by others. (SL.1.1b & RI 1.8)

Year Long Standards

  • Participate in conversations with many different people, including adults.
  • Follow agreed-upon rules for discussions (listening to others with care, speaking one at a time about the topic, speaking at an appropriate time).
  • Build on others’ talk in conversations by responding to the comment of others through multiple exchanges.
  • Ask and answer questions about a presentation to clear up confusion and to get more information.
  • Speak in complete sentences.
  • Create audio recordings and use visuals such as drawings to draw attention to details.
  • Tell a story or share an experience with relevant facts and descriptive details using complete sentences and speaking in a clear voice.

Tri 1 Standards

  • Tell a story or share an experience with relevant facts and descriptive details using complete sentences and speaking in a clear voice.
  • Participate in a discussion following the rules of the discussion (listening to others with care, speaking one at a time about the topic, speaking at an appropriate time).
  • Identify and describe key ideas and details presented visually or orally.
  • Answer questions using information recalled or gathered.


CCSD 21 offers programs that provide instruction in English, Spanish & Russian.  These standards apply to all languages of instruction.


Write narratives with two or more appropriately sequenced events, including some details regarding what happened, using temporal words to signal event order, provide a sense of closure. (W 1.3 & L 1.1, 1.2, 1.4, & 1.5)

Year Long Standards

  • Write routinely over extended time frames and shorter time frames for a range of discipline-specific tasks, purposes, and audience.
  • With guidance and support from adults, explore a variety of digital tools to produce and publish writing, including in collaboration with peers
  • Print all upper- and lowercase letters.
  • Explain the extent and reasons for revisions, based on self-assessment and reflection, in conference with a teacher.
  • With guidance and support from adults, respond to questions and suggestions from peers and add details to strengthen writing as needed.
  • With guidance and support from adults, recall information from experiences or gather information from provided sources to answer a question.
  • Write and publish using digital tools (media compositions or productions) independently and with others, which conveys meaning visually for a variety of purposes.
  • Recall information from experiences or gather information from provided sources to answer questions.
  • Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking. (See each trimester for specific critical content).

Tri 1 Standards

  • Write a topic sentence for a narrative story.
  • Write about the events of a story.
  • Tell in order of events in a story.
  • Write a concluding sentence that gives a sense of closure.
  • Answer questions, add details, and read and explain one’s writing to others.
  • Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking. (See each trimester for specific critical content).
  • Use personal, possessive, and indefinite pronouns

English Reading Foundations


Demonstrate an understanding of the distinguishing features of a sentence, phonological awareness, word analysis and decoding skills in order to read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension. (RF 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, & 1.4)

Year Long Standards

  • Read orally with accuracy, fluency, and with expression.
  • Self-correct to understand what one is reading.
  • Recognize and read High-frequency words.
  • Read grade level text with purpose and understanding.
  • Explain major differences between books that tell stories and books that give information, drawing on a wide range of text.
  • Ask for help to understand texts that are difficult.

Tri 1 Standards

  • Identify the sounds each letter makes.
  • Print all upper- and lowercase letters
  • Say letter sounds.
  • Identify letters, words, and sentences.
  • Hear and say the beginning, middle and ending sound segments of words.
  • Break words into beginning, middle and ending sound segments.
  • Decode one and two syllable words by sounding out each letter.
  • Read and spell words with two letters that make one sound.
  • Chop up a word and put it back together.
  • Recognize that words are combined to make a sentence
  • Recognize that words are separated by spaces before and after them.
  • Recognize that the first word in a sentence is capitalized.
  • Recognize that a sentence ends with a punctuation mark.
  • Identify the number of syllables in a printed word.

Spanish Reading Foundations


Demonstrate an understanding of the distinguishing features of a sentence, phonological awareness, word analysis and decoding skills in order to read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension. (RF 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, & 1.4)

Year Long Standards

  • RF 1.1 Demuestran comprensión de la organización y características básicas de los materiales impresos.
  • RF 1.2 Demuestran comprensión de las palabras pronunciadas oralmente, las sílabas y los sonidos (fonemas).
  • RF 1.4. Leen con suficiente precisión y fluidez para apoyar la comprensión.

Tri 1 Standards

RF 1.1 Demuestran comprensión de la organización y características básicas de los materiales impresos. 

  • Reconocen las características de una oración, por ejemplo: uso de mayúsculas en la primera palabra, puntuación final, uso de los signos de interrogación (¿?), exclamación (¡!), y guión largo para abrir y cerrar un diálogo.
  • Reconocen que el acento escrito (acento ortográfico) es una marca que se llama tilde colocada sobre una vocal y que indica dónde recae el énfasis de la palabra.

RF 1.2 Demuestran comprensión de las palabras pronunciadas oralmente, las sílabas y los sonidos (fonemas).

  • Distinguen los sonidos (fonemas) de las vocales en palabras.
  • Forman oralmente palabras de una sílaba al combinar sonidos (fonemas), incluyendo combinaciones de consonantes (las, mar, sal).
  • Separan y pronuncian fonemas tales como la vocal inicial y media y los sonidos finales en palabras pronunciadas oralmente de una sola sílaba (monosilábicas). 
  • Dividen palabras monosilábicas en secuencia completa por sus sonidos individuales (fonemas).
  • Dividen palabras bisílabas CVCV en las sílabas que las componen: me-sa, ca-ma, ca-sa, pe-ro, ga-to.

RF.1.3 Conocen y aplican la fonética y las destrezas de análisis de palabras al nivel de grado, en la decodificación de palabras.

  • Conocen la correlación grafo-fónica para los tres dígrafos consonánticos: ch, ll, rr (chile, lluvia, perro). 
  • Distinguen entre las sílabas abiertas (terminadas en vocal) y las sílabas cerradas (terminadas en consonante).
  • Usan el conocimiento de que toda sílaba debe de tener por lo menos el sonido de una vocal para determinar el número de sílabas en una palabra escrita (ejemplo: sílabas con una sola vocal, diptongos o triptongos).
  •  Leen palabras con inflexiones al final (género -o/-a; número –os/-as, aumentativos –ote y diminutivos -ito). 
  • Distinguen entre las vocales y las consonantes y reconocen que sólo las vocales llevan acento escrito.

RF 1.4. Leen con suficiente precisión y fluidez para apoyar la comprensión.

  • Leen textos a nivel de grado, con propósito y comprensión. b. Leen oralmente textos a nivel de grado con precisión, ritmo adecuado y expresión en lecturas sucesivas.
  • Usan el contexto para confirmar o autocorregir el reconocimiento de las palabras y la comprensión, releyendo cuando sea necesario.

Russian Reading Foundations


Demonstrate an understanding of the distinguishing features of a sentence, phonological awareness, word analysis and decoding skills in order to read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension. (RF 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, & 1.4) 

Year Long Standards

  • Read orally with accuracy, fluency, and with expression.
  • Self-correct to understand what one is reading.
  • Recognize and read High-frequency words.
  • Read grade-level text with purpose and understanding.
  • Explain major differences between books that tell stories and books that give information, drawing on a wide range of text.
  • Ask for help to understand texts that are difficult.

Tri 1 Standards

  • Identify the sounds each letter makes
  • Say letter sounds
  • Identify letters
  • Identify words
  • Identify sentences
  • Recognize that words are combined to make a sentence
  • Recognize that words are separated by spaces before and after them
  • Recognize that the first word in a sentence is capitalized
  • Recognize that a sentence ends with a punctuation mark
  • Explain major differences between books that tell stories and books that give information, drawing on a wide range of text.
  • Identify words and phrases in stories or poems that suggest feelings or appeal to the senses
  • With prompting and support, read prose and poetry of appropriate complexity for grade 1