
Social Studies

Fifth Grade Social Studies Standards

Power Standards (Listed) and Supporting Standards (Italicized) 


  • Investigate and explain how the cultural and environmental characteristics of places within the United States change over time. (SS.5.G.2)
  • Use print and digital maps of different scales to describe the locations of cultural and environmental characteristics (SS.5.G.1.)
  • Explain how human settlements and technological advancements have impacted natural resources. (SS.5.G.3)
  • Analyze the effects of catastrophic environmental and technological events on human settlements and migration. (SS.5.G.4)


  • Create and use a chronological sequence of related events to identify cause and effects of relationships in history and the impacts of underrepresented groups. (SS.5.H.1)
  • Use information about a historical source, including the creator (author), date, place of origin, intended audience, and purpose, to judge the extent to which the source is useful for studying a particular topic.(SS.5.H.2) 
  • Summarize the central claim in a work of history (SS.5.H.3)


  • Explain the roles and responsibilities of government officials at the local, state, and national level levels and investigate how the roles and responsibilities of the three branches of government have changed over time (SS.5.CV.1)
  • Examine the origins and purposes of rules, laws, and key provisions of the U.S. Constitution and investigate the impact they had/have on multiple groups of people. (SS.5.CV.2)
  • Compare and contrast the U.S. government to other global governments in their structure and systems of governing with consideration for their impact on equitable outcomes. (SS.5.CV.3)
  • Using evidence, explain how policies are developed to address public problems and concerns and achieve equitable outcomes. (SS.5.CV.4)


  • Analyze why and how individuals, businesses, and nations around the world specialize and trade. (SS.EC.1.5)

Social Studies Inquiry Standards

  • Generate important questions to address local, regional, state, national, and global problems.
  • Create action steps to find answers to questions.
  • Evaluate and use credible sources that represent multiple points of view.
  • Develop claims, formulate explanations,  and construct arguments using relevant evidence and data from multiple sources to answer important questions.
  • Share findings with authentic audiences using a variety of technologies to enhance the message.
  • Reflect on one’s inquiry process and findings to take informed action.