2nd Grade Social Studies Power Standards
Power Standards (Listed) and Supporting Standards (Italicized)
- With guidance and support, identify features and functions of governments. (SS.2. CV.1)
- With guidance and support, describe how communities can collaborate to accomplish tasks, establish roles and responsibilities and achieve equitable outcomes for the community.(SS.2. CV.2.)
Economics & Financial Literacy
- Demonstrate how our choices can affect ourselves and others in positive and negative ways. (SS.EC.1.2)
- Describe the connections between the physical environment of a place and the economic activities found there. (SS.2.G.3.)
- With guidance and support, identify some cultural and environmental characteristics of your community and compare to other places or regions. (SS.2.G.2)
- With guidance and support, use print and digital maps, globes and other simple geographic models to identify cultural and environmental characteristics of places. (SS.2.G.1)
- Examine key events that changed history from multiple perspectives, including the perspectives of diverse individuals, cultures, and groups (SS.2.H.2.2)
- Identify main ideas and changes that have occurred in the local community over time and retell how these changes impacted diverse groups in the community. (SS.2.H.1.2)
Social Studies Inquiry Standards
- Generate important questions to address local, regional, state, national, and global problems.
- Create action steps to find answers to questions.
- Evaluate and use credible sources that represent multiple points of view.
- Develop claims, formulate explanations, and construct arguments using relevant evidence and data from multiple sources to answer important questions.
- Share findings with authentic audiences using a variety of technologies to enhance the message.
- Reflect on one’s inquiry process and findings to take informed action.